Our Funeral Services

Caring Professional Service

Allison Monkhouse arranges funerals for every type of budget, religious and or cultural affiliation, as we have an extensive and comprehensive array of services to arrange, plan, and conduct the funeral of your loved one.

We understand there are many parts to organise and decisions to be made, which is why our caring and helpful team can advise and offer guidance through this process, assisting you with the options and offer ways of celebrating and farewelling your loved one in the way you feel is best for them and the loved ones attending the service.

Coffin or Casket

How do you choose a coffin or a casket? A simple starting point is the advice we have given for generations: consider the

Choice of Venue

Allison Monkhouse has several elegant and comfortable chapel for the service, and all filled with a sense of peace and


We help create meaningful, personalised events for you to say goodbye to your loved one in a way that reflects them

Choice of Hearse

We have several hearses that your family may choose from.From our beautiful horse-drawn hearse,

Family Transport

Gathering your loved ones and being together is so important during the death of a loved one and ensuring

Keepsake Options

Allison Monkhouse has our own in-house media team able to produce and print high quality to keepsake options.

Audio-Visual Options

Our in-house digital media team are skilled and well equipped to provide several different audio-visual options for

Refreshment Options

Our thoughtful and well-considered refreshment menu is an opportunity for family and friends to together reflect on

Funeral Costs


At Allison Monkhouse we understand that the cost of funerals are often something we don’t think about until we need to, and it can be daunting facing all the available options. At Allison Monkhouse, we can work to help you choose the best way to say goodbye to your loved one, all while being supported by the Allison Monkhouse team.

There are four parts to be considered when costing a funeral. They are:

Professional Fees

Our professional fees include the following:

  • Funeral Service Fee
  • Coffins or Casket Selection

The cost of goods and services that we can arrange on your behalf such as cemetery or crematorium frees, celebrant or clergy fees, floral tributes and newspapers notices.

Optional Products and Services

There are additional charges if you choose to hold your funeral, viewing or rosary outside of normal business hours or if transport is required outside of the Melbourne metropolitan area. We can also offer a number of traditional and contemporary products and services to enhance your funeral.

Other Services

We can also provide other services such as repatriation or exhumation if required.

Our Professional Costs

  • Transport of deceased from the place of death into our care within the Melbourne/ Metropolitan area, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. *Additional fees will apply to transfers after hours and/or for transfers more than 50km from the nearest company branch.
  • Provision of dignified mortuary care by licensed, experienced embalming staff. Additional fees will apply for Repatriation and/or Mausoleum embalming including the certificates required by government authorities for those services.
  • A complete funeral service at any of the Allison Monkhouse chapel locations across Melbourne on weekdays between 8am and 5pm. Alternatively, we can coordinate the service at an external venue such as your local church, crematorium chapel or reception venue within the Melbourne metropolitan area. *There may be an additional charge for external venue hire as charged by the venue operator.
  • Provision of a design award winning hearse and driver for funerals held within the Melbourne metropolitan area.
  • A viewing at any of the Allison Monkhouse chapel locations across Melbourne on weekdays between 8am and 5pm if required.
  • Transportation of the coffin and attendance at any religious service or viewing prior to the funeral if required
  • Guidance, care and attention from our team of professionally trained and experienced staff – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Get In Touch with Allison Monkhouse

Serving Melbourne


(03) 9547 7711

All Suburbs

(03) 9546 5870

We can arrange a personal discussion with the family or executor at the family home or other suitable location anywhere in Melbourne; or at one of our branches.


(03) 9592 7011


(03) 9801 9988


(03) 5979 4353