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Marty Rose sings at Sandy Beach. Centre – Open to the public

Time: 13:00 - 13:00
Location: Sandybeach Community Centre 2 Sims Street, Sandringham VIC 3191, Australia
Sandy Beach Centre

The Allison Monkhouse Community Care programme are proud to sponsor and support Music Alive at Sandy Beach. This week we are excited to present Marty Rose - Piano Man.

The incredible Marty Rose will perform for our friends at Music Alive - Sandy Beach Centre. Marty's voice and presence are unmistakeable and his repertoire of hits from back then to now will have everyone's toes tapping and no doubt some dancing too.

This event is open to the public also at $15 for non members, and all money raised goes to the Sandy Beach Centre so they continue to do the great work in the community they are known for.


Tickets $15 for non members

(free for members)

Tuesday 26th February 2019


Afternoon tea provided.

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Songs with Sully

Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Opal By The Bay
Songs & Sully
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Equine Therapy

Time: 00:00 - 00:00
Location: Tabulam & Templar Home For The Aged
Equine Therapy

What is pet therapy?

Pet therapy, or animal-assisted therapy, is a type of therapy involving animals as a form of treatment. The goal may be to improve a patient’s social, emotional, or cognitive functioning.

Pet therapy can be offered in a residential aged care setting, retirement living, home and community care, and rehabilitation centres and hospices. Animals used in the therapy may include domesticated pets and farm animals.

Benefits of Pet Therapy

Research has revealed many benefits to pet therapy; some of which may include:

  • Decreased blood pressure and stress
  • Improved communication and reminiscence
  • Many people who are normally unresponsive to other therapies may ‘brighten up’ and ‘chat’ with a pet.
  • Pets may motivate and encourage the elderly to stay healthy and exercise, giving them a feeling of being ‘needed’.
  • Motor skills may improve with the assistance of an animal trained for pet therapy.
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